

Osteopathy is both an independent form of medicine and a philosophical approach to holistic medicine in which body, soul and spirit are viewed as inseparable and the whole body is viewed as a functional unit. It is based on anatomy and physiology. Basically, osteopathy is a manual technique.

Osteopathy emerged in America around 1900 and goes back to Andrew Taylor Still. Osteopathy can be further divided into:


Parietal osteopathy

Structural aspects such as statics, fascia, the musculoskeletal system, nerve activity and lymph flow are taken into account here.


Visceral osteopathy

Here the focus is on the functionality of the organs, which concerns both the function of the organ itself and the positioning and suspension of the organs in the overall concept.


Craniosacral osteopathy

Here, osteopathy deals with the skull, the cranial sutures, the fluids of the body, the meninges and even the brain and spinal cord themselves. It is examined manually to see whether symmetrical and perfect function is possible.

The art of osteopathy is not to look at the three systems mentioned above individually, but to know the interaction and their effect on each other and to combine them.

In the initial treatment, a detailed osteopathic diagnosis is always carried out with subsequent treatment. Organ problems (e.g. pyelonephritis) can cause problems in the parietal system (e.g. back pain). The aim is to find the primary cause of the symptoms and not just treat the symptom.

Pregnancy, for example, is a special phase of life. In order to provide the body with the best possible support, osteopathy can also be used here. Gentle osteopathy techniques can be used to address the special needs of the mother and child. In the final weeks of pregnancy, it can also be helpful to look at the position of the pelvis and coccyx, as these areas play a key role in the birth process.

We are a teaching practice for osteopathy and have a cooperation with the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences.

Important note: The treatment methods used in my practice come from empirical medicine. The majority of these established medical therapy procedures are not yet sufficiently scientifically proven according to the principles of evidence-based medicine (conventional medicine). In particular, there are still no randomized, controlled studies or comprehensive meta-analyses. The success of empirical medical therapy cannot be guaranteed in every treatment case.

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